We PetroTalent Global Resourcing have extensive coverage and support for number of major Clients within the Petrochemicals, Chemicals and Refining sectors. We recruit a wide variety of technically skilled Engineers and Managers, at all levels of experience, ranging from Project Directors, Discipline Managers annd Engineers, Supervisors andTechnicians to Administrative Support.
Our core strengths lies in Downstream activities focus on the post-production phase through the point of sale. These operations include refining crude oil and distributing the by-products down to the retail level.
These by-products include gasoline, petrochemicals, lubricants and other fuel types comprising of fertilizers, rubbers and polymers.
PetroTalent Global Resourcing are involved with providing assistance throughout all phases of the project life-cy cle including preFEED, Front End Engineering & Design (FEED), Engineering, Procurement, Fabrication and Construction in for Saudi Aramco’s and other major General Engineering Contractors and leading EPC and Construction Companies.
We are particularly focused on recruitment for Clients and major Contractors involved in:
- Refinery Process Units
- Heat Transfer Equipment
- Gas-to-Liquids Processing
- Hy drogen Generation Plants
- LNG/ Gasification Plants
- NOx/HRVOC Reduction
- Sulfur Processing Plants
- Liquid Storage Structures
- Power Generation Facilities
PetroTalent Expertise
We have strength of more than 500 thousands plus CVs of activ e database of various Discipline CVs which inclusive of Engineering Design, Project Management, Procurement, Construction, Commissioning and Start-up candidates of Western, European and Middle East and Far East national candidates.
We are working in Middle East Region and Supported vast ranges of Clients and can assure our Serv ice on this Discipline uncompromised, to have further enquires, please feel free to get in touch [email protected].